International Programs Continued...

Hilltop School
Chamberlain International School and the Hilltop School in Skive, Denmark have formed a student and staff exchange program. Hilltop is a school for students with similar backgrounds to ours, and each year commencing in 2012 a group of students from each school will have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program. Our students will travel to Skive Denmark with Chamberlain faculty, and live and attend morning classes at Hilltop. They will have the opportunity to spend time with their Danish counterparts and see what it is like to live the life of a student in a foreign country. Chamberlain students will then spend afternoons exploring the area with faculty and evenings with the Hilltop students.
Additionally, Hilltop and Chamberlain will be sharing training, case conferencing, and all other related Educational and Therapeutic information to stay current in the field from an International Perspective.
View our blog from a 2012 trip to the Hilltop School. (The link taken from the existing website is not correct)
European Trips
"Travel broadens one"-or so the wisdom has always gone. It also exhausts. Just look at what we do in a typical ten-day trip to The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany:

Yes, it's lots of museums, churches, castles, and historical sites. But don't forget the beach day, the spa, and the kayaking day. And in Cologne, we visit a chocolate factory and buy souvenirs. We take a shopping spree. And we make sure to give everyone access to some plain old American food, so that even the pickiest of eaters don't go hungry.
Even with all the fun we have, our study trips to Europe do change students' perspectives, and even their lives. A little more world-wise, a little more savvy, and probably a lot more weary, they are on their way to becoming informed citizens—and ones who will always remember an enormous, shared adventure.

Parent Testimonial
"Chamberlain International School has provided my child with interventions and services that have addressed his complex mental health needs in a setting that is supervised and responsive to his individualized social, emotional, and academic goals. Experienced administrators and staff have responsibly cared for my child and offered a multitude of community and enrichment opportunities that have allowed him to grow and thrive in ways not previously possible. He has developed his awareness of how to meet challenges and build on strengths. We couldn’t be more optimistic about our student’s future!"
– Sylvia G., CA - Current Parent (2020)

Bermuda Trip
"The Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences is a world-class research station—very academic, but in a relaxed way. Ph.D. candidates intern there. Colleges like Princeton and URI have year-long programs at BIOS. So it's a real campus. We live in the dorms and are integrated into daily life in Bermuda through the guidance of the experienced staff at BIOS. A number of the interns have worked with us as teachers and guides. We have gone out on plankton tows, helped collect and process samples in the lab, and examined slides under the microscopes.
The first day on the island, we meet someone from BIOS and start right out with our snorkels. We typically see angelfish, parrotfish, queenfish, and others. We even sawa barracuda. One lesson that stuck in virtually everyone's mind was what we learned about parrotfish. They are 'sequential hermaphrodites,' starting life as females and then developing as needed into males.
Cultural and Environmental Exploration
To learn about Bermuda’s culture, we attend local festivals and visit points of interest. To learn about geography and ecosystems, we visit brackish water and mangroves. We go to Nonesuch Island, a wildlife sanctuary that is pretty much a living museum of the way all of Bermuda once was. Having received so much from the island and from BIOS, we also do some form of community service, for example working with beach cleanup crews, and helping to cull invasive plants. We’ve planted in the invasive plants' stead, vegetation that is indigenous to the island but threatened. It is a lot to learn and do, all in the warm sunshine and welcoming atmosphere of BIOS and the Island of Bermuda and its residents."
To read about our latest trip to Bermuda, click here

Denmark & Holland Trips
Wednesday, June 12, 2013, Day of amazing activities...
Today was another outstanding day that included a wonderful class and many, many physical activities. Following breakfast and showering, we were off to a great class called the World of Today, taught by Henning and Gitte. We discussed many important current news events around the world, US and an unfortunate news item from Denmark (a football loss to Armenia). We began to focus on the rioting in Turkey, which discussed political matters and geography. To the beach!! We were guided down to the fjord in Skive to play games in the forest and the beach area. After an exhilarating game of human Stratego, we broke into small groups to play soccer, disc golf, Batang, a Danish game similar to baseball, and some interesting Viking games. A much-needed rest and a fantastic cookout came next. Henning and his associates prepared an awesome barbecue that included very large hot dogs, ribs, and other traditional Danish fare. What a feast!! Next to kayaking in the fjord, which was led by Henning and Jesper. The boys all took to it really well, even though there were a few spills in the cold water, everyone had a blast! What a GREAT ending to our European journey of 2013!!!
To read about our latest trip to Denmark, click here