Day of Swimming
This morning started like most others… with a gorgeous sunrise and several cups of coffee. The students were still enjoying their snooze buttons while breakfast was being served but were able to answer the bell and head down on time for some much needed nutrients and fluids. Immediately following breakfast, we jumped on our transport and Kenny took us over to Walsingham Nature Reserve along with our knowledgeable guide Alex. A quick chat about the do’s and don’ts and we were off to learn and explore. We learned about the difference between red and black mangroves and even got to plant a few new ones for future generations. There are lots of cool walking trails and short inclines and declines through the park leading to Blue Hole and several caves. Blue Hole is a fan favorite as students get to jump off the “cliff” and swim in the hole. Most of the students did and several did over and over and had a blast! Getting out and heading up the trail for some more learning and cave exploration led to our next way cool adventure, swimming in a cave! The group then headed back to Thom Moore’s to be picked up for lunch back at BIOS.

Beef Shephard’s pie, salad, fruit and serious hydration all made for a great break getting us ready for our next adventure. Kenny took us over to Fort St. Catherine and dropped us off to explore, swim, and increase our vitamin D. The water was amazing and a few didn’t get out almost the entire time. Beth led the charge of students picking up some plastics that had washed up on the beach. One item was a coconut and following about 30 minutes of dedication, it was opened. We then took a fantastic trip through the far east end and informative tour all through St. George’s. Stoke’s point and the Cricket stadium were incredibly beautiful. Back to BIOS for showers, relaxation, and dinner. Then off to the Riker Room again for a fish identification lecture and the students knew lots of fish already! The level of knowledge the students brought to the table was quite impressive. With the beautiful warm breeze, some students walked the campus and others hung out on the porch. Time for another goodnight and preparation for a really interesting day tomorrow!