The weather this morning hindered our daily photos of sunrise along with our favorite morning beverages. It did blow a bit all night but there was only a small amount of rain. After meeting with our BIOS faculty, the plan for today was to remain on campus hunkered down in Wright Hall. A few of us were up for a bit over the night to either watch some of the weather and according to my sources there was a drop of the new album by Drake, which may have influenced the later bedtimes. After breakfast, we cleaned, did laundry, and watched the weather deteriorate as the bands of the post tropical cyclone came through. Some light reading and video watching on the sheltered porches made for a delightful morning. Fish tacos for lunch along with some curried vegetables and chicken tenders for those who do not enjoy the life of a pescatarian. Following lunch, we sat outside and chatted prior to some napping and more laundry. Showers and dinner, then a few of the students headed into the library to play some games with the graduate students (yes, Friday night games in the library!), while the others played some games and watched different amusing videos. The strong breeze almost came to a halt as the storm passed and then switched directions and freshened a bit. Tomorrow the weather will be much better and all activities will resume across the campus and the island. Looking forward to another beautiful sunrise and preparation for an outstanding day.